Subscribe- Country: N/A
- City: N/A
- Age: 0
- Height: N/A
- Weight: N/A
A.K.A. X0_Angel, angelLove77, happyangel7, happyheart7, sensigirl717, LlveAngeI77, sweetAngel717, femmeangel7, myangelxxxx, silentAngelx, hiddenAngelxo, hiddenAngelX, hiddenAngelX_, hiddenAngel_, EarthAngel_, RequiemVenus, DreamingAngel, Elysium__, SecretElysium, Vipers_Biatch, Secret__angel, lost___angel, lost__angel, my_a_n_g_e_l, S_t_i_l_a, Stila, Ana_Stila, BabydollAna, Profile Info: 11807 - Female - 26 - United States - Bi-curious - Sweet, Smart, Love - The strongest souls are seared with scars. -Khalil Gibran - Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response, lies our growth and freedom. -Viktor Frankl - In the depth...
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