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A.K.A. HurricaneKeak, Shhcomehere, Profile Info: 952 - Female - Slim/Petite - Various - Blonde - Gray - 115 pounds - 66 inches - 25 - Bay Area - United States - Bi-curious - Herb - Occasional - Experimented - Single - Still to be Determined - City College of San Francisco - Chinese, Taco Bell - 1 puppy - I definitely need one - What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this!?/ Zodiac sign:Cancer/Ethnicity: Half Chinese-Half Scandanavian and native american./Clever like a fox. Kind but Cruel. Zen but feisty. Cynical yet Optimistic. A Walking Conflicted Contradiction. If I can't figure me out there's no way anyone else has. If you think you can keep up be my guest, ju...
Official Site: N/A

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